Monday, June 25, 2018

How to Keep Building Up Your Facebook Agency When You Feel Like Throwing in the Towel

 How to Keep Building Up Your Facebook Agency When You Feel Like Throwing in the Towel
We just published a brand new blog post on the one and only Closer's Cafe blog titled How to Keep Building Up Your Facebook Agency When You Feel Like Throwing in the Towel.
You can read the post in it's entirety here:
How to Guides, entrepreneurship, Facebook Ad Agency, Facebook Ad Agency from home, facebook advertising

Friday, June 22, 2018

How to Lower Facebook Ad Costs Using The 72 Hour Rule

Here's how to lower your Facebook Ad costs using the 72 hour rule from Closer's Cafe. For more Facebook ad tips, training and tutorials to generate leads visit:
via Closer's Cafe Sound Cloud

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Facebook Ads Funnel for Restaurant Leads

Want to get more leads for your restaurant? Or do you have a client that would like to get better results from their restaurant marketing funnels? If so, then this sessions from Closer's Cafe will help you get more leads, increase sales and profits for your restaurant. You'll discover how to create a jaw dropping offer while getting new leads and following up using Facebook ads as the foundation. See the full tutorial here: And Watch the video here:
via Closer's Cafe Sound Cloud